Calligraphy Photo Gallery
My Gallery

Calligraphy Arts Photostream.
All of the gallery pictures in one place. The links below have the photos in convenient groups.
Wedding Pictures
A variety of pictures showing how my calligraphy can look so fantastic at wedding venues around the world.
Jane’s calligraphy style sheets.
A photo gallery showing the eight calligraphy styles that I currently prefer to use
Calligraphy Commissions & Gifts
This set shows the wide range of ideas and requests from various customers. All are one commissions – You can have one too.
Cards and Party Invitations
A sample selection of cards that have been requested and made as special one offs.
Simply loads of different photos of my calligraphy on place names, wedding invitations and gifts.
Pictures from that special day in March 2012, when The Queen signed the Leicester Cathedral guest book. That’s the one I was commissioned to do.
If you want to have your special calligraphic artwork created by me with real dip pens in any colour ink, just contact me to enquire how I can help you.